I find it interesting, as I work through this process, that the Wild Goose continues to bring things to mind that I am supposed to write about. Mind you, it still blows my mind that the Creator of the Universe talks to me!  If this concept is new to you, I encourage you to get quiet and press into the Goose! He wants to talk with you!

As I reflect on the Flat top trail in Virginia, this is the trail where I heard the Goose tell me about Colorado and the Tim Tebow Foundation, I am amazed that God thought it necessary to re-emphasize the importance of this trail in my life. Asking God a question and getting an immediate answer warrants remembering with no concern of forgetting.  But, God in His wisdom chose to re-emphasize one amazing event with another. Coming upon the momma black bear and her three cubs on the same trail was, to me, God’s way of re-emphasizing His word spoken to me a few weeks earlier.

It was like He was saying to me….”no, you are not crazy… you really did hear from me and I love you so much and have awesome things in-store for you” ….”I wanted you to “happen upon” these bears to make this clear to you”.

I don’t know what you think of my story so far. I would love to hear your honest thoughts! You may think my story is “outlandish” and “far fetched”!  That God does not work like this! “Really, this guy really thinks he is going to be working with Tim Tebow!” “How does he suppose that is going to happen?”

In answer to that question…. I don’t know, nor do I pretend to know God’s ways or thoughts!  But, I do know how much He loves me, to the best of my human ability, and that He is an awesome God and nothing is impossible with Him! Except, it is impossible for Him to go against His Character and promises. We can stand firm on this and live without fear and doubt. “On Christ the Solid Rock I stand… all other ground is shifting sand… all other ground is shifting sand.

When I was in Denver, the Goose told me my faith would be tested. I believe this is why He wanted me to re-remember the trail and what He said to me. He knew I would experience much opposition down the road. I have been “shot at” many times since with arrows of doubt and fear. My enemy does not want me on this Wild Goose Chase. He wants me to live a defeated and powerless life… to not fulfill the works the Lord has prepared for me… the path He has for me… Satan’s goal is plain and simple..Knock me off this path and divert me to one of his or my choosing.

Funny…. both of these spirits are fathers! On one hand we have the Father of Light, Life and Truth… and on the other hand we have the father of LIES! I want nothing to do with the later and everything to do with the first! Staying on the path of light, life and truth is not easy! But, as they say, “nothing good or worth fighting for comes easy”. I covet your prayers as I fight the good fight and stay the course. I know that I can not stay the course on my own. I must keep pressing into Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of my faith. Abiding in Him…. “for apart from me you can do nothing”.

In closing… I believe that the Goose wanted me to write this blog for two main reasons. 1) to encourage you and bring Him glory, 2) to crystallize it in me… to stamp it on my heart and mind so that I will not forget. Funny thing is, I find myself re-reading my own blog to keep what He has done fresh in my heart and mind. Because, I desperately need to remember! So I won’t faint and grow weary and be tossed about with doubt and fear. This is why He has given us His word and Spirit… He knows our human condition, our frailties and the challenges and daily obstacles we face. He is so good! I love you Lord!

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